Civil War Fort Duffield
General William T. Sherman ordered the construction of this fortification, which began November 3, 1861, designed to guard the Union supply depot at West Point, Kentucky, near the confluence of the Salt and Ohio Rivers. Built by the soldiers of the 9th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, the fort saw little, if any, action. Still it was a deterrent to invading and raiding Confederate soldiers who found the fort, bristling with soldiers and cannon, guarding the flank of Louisville. It is Kentucky's largest and best preserved earthen fortification, and is open year round for self-guided tours. For more information, go to their website:
Fort Duffield Camp #1
Chartered in October of 1996 originally as a camp at large, Kentucky's first SUVCW camp is proud to have paved the way for the other great camps to follow. Established in West Point, Kentucky the camp usually holds it's bi-monthly meetings, in this historic river town, at the West Point, Kentucky History Museum, 6th & Elm Streets at 10:00 a.m. All members are welcome. For more information e-mail: