Upcoming Event:
Otto Voigt Medal of Honor recipient. 7 August 2018 at the Saint Stevens Cemetery in Louisville, KY at 1030 AM.
Maysville Monument Dedication, 27 Oct 2018 at 1PM.
Maysville-Mason County Cemetery
1521 Forest Ave,
Maysville, KY 41056
Stone Dedication
Stone dedication June 24 2018, Fort Duffield Camp #1 with John W Foster Camp #2 Tobinsport IN at Simons Cemetery- Simons Cemetery just north of Tobinsport, IN. on State Road 166. The event started at 2 PM central time. Stones were placed for Pvt John F Henderson, Co E 44th IVI, Pvt Thomas Carter Co C 12 KY Inf, Pvt George W Powers, Co C 10 KY Inf, and Pvt James Wood Co L 1 IN Cav.(Lamb Cemetery) Keep green the memory, They shall not be forgotten.

Decoration Day
New Albany Cemetery- May 30 2018 730 PM a Decoration Day ceremony was held with Fort Duffield Camp #2,
By the National Society Daughters of the Union 1861-1865, Scott Gordon- Bugles Across America and his wife on the Bagpipes.

New Camp-
Camp Calhoun Camp #2 received their Charter officially opening the new Camp in January 2018.

Thurston Cabell Marker Dedication
By the National Society Daughters of the Union 1861-1865, Brigadier General Eli Huston Murray Chapter. Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. (Central Time)
The event will take place at the Elmwood Cemetery, 1300 Old Hartford Road, Owensboro, Ky.
Thurston Cabell enlisted in Company G, 28th United States Colored Troops, in Evansville, Ind., August 16, 1864. He lived in Pigeon Forge Township at the time. He was mustered August 20, 1864 at Indianapolis, Ind. The first 6 companies of the 28th U.S.C.T., organized as a battalion, were sent to Washington, D.C. to guard the Capital. They participated in the Battle of the Crater or Petersburg, July 30, 1864. The last 4 companies, including Thurston Cabell's, joined the regiment and was moved to Texas to guard the Mexican border in response to the French intervention in Mexico. He was promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865. And mustered out, November 8, 1865 at Corpus Christi, Texas.
Civil War Officers’ Grave Markers To Be Rededicated
Sunday, May 15, 2011 at 3:00 p.m.
The grave markers of two Civil War officers will be rededicated in a special ceremony at Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville.
Lieutenant Colonel George Payne Jouett and Major William George Campbell were officers in Louisville’s famed 15th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry who were killed in the unit’s first major action at the Battle of Perryville on Oct. 8, 1862. Both Jouett and Campbell came from prominent Kentucky families.Jouett was born in Fayette County. He came from a noted artistic family and was gifted in painting and sculpture; however his mother dissuaded him from following in an artistic career. He eventually studied medicine and graduated with honors from Transylvania University, but was persuaded afterward by his brother-in-law to join his law practice. He was elected mayor of Lexington in 1848 but resigned the next year. At the time of the Civil War, he had interests in steamboats on both the Ohio & Mississippi Rivers.
Campbell was born in Mason County and was a tobacco broker. He was president of the Louisville Board of Common Council at the time of the war. Jouett and Campbell, along with Curran Pope, were the men who organized the 15th Kentucky Infantry in September of 1861. Pope, Jouett and Campbell became the first senior officers for the unit.
Colonel Curran Pope, who died as the result of his wounds from Perryville, was also originally buried in a nearby plot, but was reinterred in his family plot at Cave Hill Cemetery in 1880. His successor, Colonel James Brown Forman (known as the Boy Colonel), who was killed at the Battle of Stones River on December 31, 1862, is also buried nearby.Jack Mills, Past Department Commander of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, discovered that the graves markers were in a state of disrepair. Working directly with Cave Hill Cemetery and the Department of Veteran Affairs, Mills got the markers reset. “These men were notable civic leaders of their time. It is the SUVCW’s duty that we try to maintain these memorials, and honor the sacrifices that these men made to preserve our Union,” Mills stated. “We are hopeful that some of the relatives of these men will be able to attend the dedication.”
The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is a fraternal organization, who preserve and honor the memories of the Union soldiers. They are also the direct line heir of the Grand Army of the Republic, the original Civil War Veterans’ organization. Their full membership is open to any male 14 years and older who have a documented bloodline from an honorably discharged Union soldier. Associate membership is also available and is open to any male 14 years and older who will participate in organization activities.